CAT NO DESCRIPTION LBS 1829 BAND FOR 2” O.D. WIRE TONGS 1.8 1829-1 BAND FOR 2 1/2” O.D. WIRE TONGS 2.1 1829-2 BAND FOR 3” O.D. WIRE TONGS 2.9 WIRE TONG BAND • When installed on larger diameter wire tongs, rope blocks can be used for raising and lowering conductors WIRE TONG BLOCKS CLAMP • When installed on wire tongs, rope blocks can be used for controlling conductors. Pulling in tension. CAT NO DESCRIPTION LBS 5748-15 CLAMP FOR 1 1/2” O.D. WIRE TONG 2.2 5748-16 CLAMP FOR 2” O.D. WIRE TONG 2.6 5748-17 CLAMP FOR 2 1/2” O.D. WIRE TONG 3.0 WIRE TONG STIRRUP • Head of wire tong can be installed in stirrup to help aid in rigging and lifting of wire tong CAT NO DESCRIPTION LBS 1851 STIRRUP FOR 2” O.D. WIRE TONG 2.2 1851-1 STIRRUP FOR 2 1/2” O.D. WIRE TONG 2.3 ROPE SNUBBING BRACKET • A rope snubbing bracket is used to terminate block fall lines and hold blocks in proper position. Complete with chain tightener. CAT NO DESCRIPTION LBS 1945 ROPE SNUBBING BRACKET 6.0 WIRE TONG SNUB BRACKET • A wire tong snubbing bracket provides a stationary base for wire tongs and auxiliary arms. Complete with chain tightener. CAT NO DESCRIPTION LBS 5900-25 WIRE TONG SNUB BRACKET 6.9 CAT NO DESCRIPTION LOAD LIMIT LBS 5030 CHAIN TIGHTENER WITH 36” CHAIN AND SPRING LOADED TAKE-UP 2500 lbs. 5.5 5031 CHAIN EXTENSION 18” WITH KEEPER AND SAFETY PIN 2500 lbs. 2.5 CHAIN TIGHTENER / CHAIN EXTENSION CONDUCTOR AND PERSONNEL SUPPORTS Phone: 269.945.9541 • Fax: 269.945.4623 • • Email: PO Box 218, 1301 W Green Street, Hastings, Michigan 49058-0218 These products are for trained professionals only. 07/18 302 1829 5748-17 1851 1945 5900-25 5030 5031