Hastings Catalog

TRANSFORMER GINS • Small metal gins are made of ductile iron • Small metal gins are available with a chain binder or a ratchet strap • Large metal gin is made of cast aluminum alloy • Large metal gin is only available with a chain binder • Gin design allows you to straddle cross arm • Nylon straps should be inspected prior to each use for wear, cuts, and degradation from exposure to ultra violet rays. Suspect straps should be replaced before use. CAT NO DESCRIPTION “A” DIMENSION WORKING LOAD LIMIT (SEE PAGE 811) LBS 5742-21 SMALL METAL GIN WITH CHAIN BINDER FITS OVER 3 3/4” X 4 3/4” CROSS ARMS 10 5/8” 1900 LBS 11.5 5800-5 SAME AS 5742-21 EXCEPT WITH RATCHET AND STRAP 1900 LBS 9.5 5742-24 LARGE METAL GIN WITH CHAIN BINDER FITS OVER 4 1/2” X 6” CROSS ARMS 11” 4500 LBS 24.0 5042 REPLACEMENT NYLON STRAP - 2” WIDE X 44” LONG 0.5 Phone: 269.945.9541 • Fax: 269.945.4623 • www.hfgp.com • Email: hastings@hfgp.com PO Box 218, 1301 W Green Street, Hastings, Michigan 49058-0218 These products are for trained professionals only. 07/18 812 RIGGING AND LIFTING EQUIPMENT 5800-5 “A” “A” “A” 5742-21 5742-24